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If You're Not Questioning Yourself, You're Doing it Wrong

miniflex Oct 12, 2022

in nutrition and training and fitness and anything like if you're not wrong, once a day, or if you're not questioning yourself once a day, then you're probably not doing it, right. Because there's just so much there. There's so much gray area when it comes to nutrition and training. And it's really just because we are all our own individuals, right? So nothing is black and white. And I've learned that throughout the years, and it's something that maybe I didn't think, like, when I was first getting into, I was like, Oh, this is the way like, this is the only way to do it. This is the best way to do it. And as I, you know, built my business started my private coaching business, I work with a lot of clients, a lot of females specifically. And every single like, every single week, every single month, I just continued to learn that it's there's literally no one way for this stuff. So So I think that there are definitely, like you said, there's pros and cons to everything. I think one of the biggest pros with keto is that for most people who are just kind of coming into it, right, they, they're looking to, you know, benefit from the fat loss side of things, which is something that obviously a lot of people benefit from.

From an appetite suppression standpoint, that can be a really powerful tool, especially kind of getting away from some of the blood sugar dysregulation that can occur from people who are used to more of a higher carb approach, or even like a moderate, moderate to high carb approach. So some of that appetite regulation that comes from the blood sugar stabilization, as well as you know, when you're producing ketones and utilizing ketones for fuel, there's research and anecdotal research as well. And, you know, even I can say myself that when I'm utilizing ketones for fuel, and in a state of ketosis, I do have you know, that, some appetite suppression to that, I would say that it comes and goes for different people, too. So it's not just like, hey, you need to, like, go on a ketogenic diet to suppress your appetite. Like, again, everybody's their own individual, not saying that's gonna happen for everybody. But it has been shown and seen in the literature. And also, anecdotally, anecdotally, so I think that's one one big thing. Another thing with any dietary protocol, I think that it does all come down to the adherence side of things.

So, you know, if we're taking someone who is, you know, struggling with, like, sugar cravings, right, which can also come back to the blood sugar side of things. And they just, they can't get away from that, like they can't get away from even if they have, you know, fruit, for example, it might trigger it might trigger them to have more want more processed foods that are higher in sugar and carbs and things like that. Again, not saying that fruit is bad by any means. No foods are good or bad, they don't have morality, right. They're their food. But some people can struggle with, you know, that those sugar cravings, and they can be like something that really holds them back from achieving their goals, because it makes it hard for them to adhere to maybe their caloric intake for the day, and they end up you know, having cravings and giving into those cravings, things like that. So from that perspective, I've seen people benefit from kind of just okay, if I can just get away from the, you know, the sugar, the carbs for a little while and kind of, you know, re not reprogram my body, but maybe reprogram my tastebuds a little bit.

That tends to be something that's more practical and can help from you know, a ketogenic approach, because we're taking out some of those, you know, sugary foods and the sweet things, and the carb heavy thing. So those are a few other kind of practical pros. There's, there's other ones too, from a mental perspective, like I know, that's one that I really found. This is probably one of the reasons why I stuck with keto for for as long as I did, is I really enjoyed those that mental clarity and kind of just waking up in the morning not feeling like I have to eat. Like right away. I used to struggle with that a lot. I used to wake up and just, you know, be ravenous all the time. So and I used to have kind of like hangry feeling and stuff like that. So for me that was what really helped in for a lot of the clients that I work with, who we have taken on a ketogenic approach for a period of time they've met noticed some of those benefits. So yeah, those are just some of them. But also there's there's cons to everything right?

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