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Psychological Benefits you Experience from Fitness Training?

miniflex Jun 01, 2022

Yeah, so this is something I talk about a lot, just like, when you are, you know, doing hardship, that makes you feel good, it makes you feel empowered and confident what you're doing. And lifting weights is is hard, right? That's, that's something that you know, you can't really get from anything else in that sense.

Like when you are lifting weights, just being there and being able to like, pick heavy shit up and put it down, like, I don't know, there's just something about that, that can be very, very empowering. And then also getting better at that and getting you know, more advanced and progressing. That is also empowering.

Then also seeing how your body changes through that like being able to literally build muscle and seeing that growth happen can itself be super empowering. So I think there's just a cascade of things that happen within that and then we also know that just exercising in general releases a lot of hormones that are those feel good hormones, so dopamine, you know, serotonin, things like that, that actually make us feel better just from you know, brain signals and things like that.

Their neurotransmitters that you know, when they're enhanced, we feel good, right? So exercise in general can help with stimulating that. So I think that exercise is probably like, especially lifting weights is probably super, super underrated, as a means of you know, treatment for things like depression, anxiety, things like that.

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