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The Benefits of Working with a Coach

miniflex Aug 29, 2022

again, that's something that I went through myself, like, we can, you know, go down the rabbit holes of these different things and feel like, like I said, more is better or you know, getting more dialed in on certain things that it has a time and a place.

And I think that all comes back back to again, like the education of like what you're doing and what is necessary to recover appropriately. And especially with females, like knowing that, you know, we have a little bit more sensitive hormones than men, do, we, you know, we go through different cycles throughout our life throughout the month, things like that. And I think it's very important to, to kind of just, the biggest thing that I run into is just under eating in general with females, right, so under eating protein specifically, and then just under eating calories, especially with those females who are already lean, who are who are already very type A, and it's really just, you know, explaining to them and showing them the benefits of consuming more and fueling appropriately and what that can do with not just their performance, but everything else that that helps them to perform better.

So sleeping better, recovering better, helping to manage their stress, all of that. And I think that's really the biggest thing is just kind of working with that individual and figuring out, okay, where are you at right now, and let's, let's work to if you're if you're very, very tight band, you're very, very controlled about certain things, okay, let's maybe dial that down a little bit, and see how we can adjust certain things to to work towards more of a healthier, I guess, relationship, you could say, with food, or exercise, or whatever it may be, I think, you know, the clients that come to work with me, they're, they're ready to make a change, right?

If you if you hire a coach, I feel like, you know, you are basically taking that first step to say, Okay, I, I've been doing this on my own for a while, and I haven't seen changes, or I haven't seen the changes I want. So I need some outside help. That's how I was years ago, when I hired my first coach, and I still have a coach to this day, I feel like I'm always gonna have a coach. Just always having that outside perspective, because, especially with with females, when it comes to body image, when it comes to things like that we can get in our head so much. And maybe it's not just with obviously, it's with males and females, but I feel like females are a bit more sensitive, sensitive to that. So kind of having that outside perspective and having someone say, okay, you know, you're doing this, and what you've been doing hasn't been working. So let's try something else and see what we can get out of that.

So I think it Yeah, I think it just, it's kind of goes both ways with that, looking at that kind of other side of, you know, the, the, the, you know, people that we have now in the Standard American Diet who are just used to eating higher carbs, like their whole life, they've never really been able to utilize ketones for fuel or go into that state and see how it feels, or put their metabolism through that and use that kind of, you know, full spectrum of their metabolism. So the 21 day ketogenic diet weight loss challenge is the name of the book, it's really just kind of a giving them the upfront, like, Hey, here's a plan that you can start to follow for the next 21 days. Here's, you know, some things that I found in my own practice that a lot of people tend to make mistakes with when it comes to if someone's looking to go on a ketogenic diet, and they just Google something or they hear something from their friend. And so maybe they dropped their protein really low, or they're doing some activity that doesn't support the this kind of transition.

So the premise of that book was really just like, let me put out the information that I've seen over the last, you know, years of working within with myself and with other clients mistakes that I've seen, and kind of get that out there in a way that makes sense and can educate with the end goal really being like transitioning more to that metabolic flexibility, lifestyle, I guess you could say, where you can, you know, dip into ketosis is ketosis, if that's, you know, what works for you, and maybe you're someone who is really, really, maybe you aren't very, very active and you just are looking for, you know, stable energy throughout the day and really liked that kind of focus and that mental clarity, you like not having to think about food or feeling like you have, you know, you have to eat every few hours, which we know a lot of people struggle with, with kind of that higher carb approach where blood sugar dysregulation is a big thing there

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